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In this series, we journey through the book of Acts verse by verse. Acts is an amazing book that is about 2000 years old, but it is still incredibly relevant for our times. It's about what happened (and still happens) in response to Jesus dying on the cross and rising from the grave. It's about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It's about God's people - the Church - and what he desires for us. It's about the mission God is accomplishing on the earth, even to this day. Acts is timely. Acts is urgent. Acts is amazing!
In this series, we examine some favourite Christmas songs of the faith for three reasons:
1) So we can better understand what we're singing
2) So we can see the scriptural richness of these great songs
3) Most importantly, so we can behold Jesus Christ and pour out our praise to him!
In this series, we journey through the amazing book of Philippians verse by verse. The main theme in this series is "continuing well"; God has started something amazing in our church and is faithful to do his part to keep it going. The question is, are we willing to do our part?
This short series is a reminder and an encouragement for all people to not only put their faith in Jesus, but to pursue him earnestly. We don't have to work for our salvation, but we have to dig deep to make the most of the new life we have been given in Jesus!
This is where our topical messages that don't belong to any particular series can be found.
Every December, we pause to acknowledge the birth of Jesus Christ. We don't do this to be religious or just go through the motions of Christmastime; we do this because it is part of the greatest story ever told, and it is good for our souls to be reminded of this wonderful truth! The Christmas story is incredibly simple - but it is life-changing!
Have you ever been frustrated at the state of the world? Have you ever found yourself scratching your head over how crazy the culture seems to be? Have you ever stopped and wondered why things are the way they are? Have you ever wondered what you're supposed to do in the midst of it all? If this describes you, you need to study the book of Daniel! It is an Old Testament book that is over 2500 years old, and yet it is still as powerful and relevant as it was the day it was written - that's God's Word for you!
Wisdom is a gift from God that helps us make the most out of the life he desires for us. In this series, we explore several important areas of life, and what God has to say about wise living in these areas.
We have an enemy - Satan - and he attacks us frequently. Thankfully, God gives us a way we can fight against Satan's attacks - using the Word of God. This series unpacks several principles of how this works in our lives. It is highly practical and immediately useful!
In this series, we go through the Gospel of John verse by verse. In this great book of the Bible, we get to fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, who is the central figure of life and history itself. Whether you're just checking out what this Jesus stuff is all about, or you're a seasoned Christian looking to be encouraged in your walk, the Gospel of John is a great place for you to be!
In this series, we are taking a Gospel-centred look at some of the things our culture embraces and preaches. Many of our culture's values do not line up with the life Jesus has for us; where are we supposed to stand? What are we supposed to think? How are we supposed to respond? Join us as we explore this critical conversation together. We're not interested in starting a fight. We're not interested in judging or condemning. We're interested in getting onto the heart of Jesus our King.
Real life involves situations that are simply too big for us to fix on our own. In times like that, only God is able to help us. In this five-week series, we ask the question, "are there things we can do to position ourselves to see God move in our lives?"
This 12-week series takes us through the book of 1 John verse by verse. The main theme we see here is that God has a life for us; it's a life that centres around a relationship with him. This great book of the Bible explores what it looks like to truly experience life.
A look at four spiritual disciplines that help us go deeper in our relationship with God. Growing to consistently practice spiritual disciplines helps us live the life God has for us.
A three-week series where we explore the mission Jesus has given to us as believers - to make disciples as we go, for his glory.
A ten-week series going through the book of Colossians verse by verse. In this book, we see the central importance of the person and work of Jesus Christ, and what we are to do in response.
In this seven-week series, we unpack the different components that make up the Gospel - the greatest news in the entire world!