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Browse to listen to messages from an assortment of topics
The Lukewarm Church of Laodicea
November 24th, 2024
In this message, Marius Goguen brings a word about the lukewarm church of Laodicea from Revelation chapter 3. This is a timely and practical word for how to help combat lukewarmness in our faith!
Becoming a Disciple of Jesus on Mission
May 19th, 2024
In this message, Richard Jones reminds us of the importance of the great commission, and gives insight into how we can share the gospel with those around us in obedience to Christ and with help from the Holy Spirit.
What The Resurrection Accomplished (Easter 2024)
March 31st, 2024
In this message from Resurrection Sunday 2024, Pastor Braden brings a word of encouragement about what Jesus' resurrection accomplished. Hint - it is powerful and life-changing!
New Year's Eve 2023
December 31st, 2023
In this message, Pastor Braden talks about the most important things to our Church now and going forward into 2024.
Be On Your Guard!
October 22nd, 2023
In this message, Richard Jones brings a word of encouragement from 1 Corinthians 16.
During these days of great uncertainty, we can live with real peace and purpose - if that sounds like something you need, listen in!
How Can They Believe?
August 20th, 2023
In this message, Marius Goguen talks about the preconceived notions that we have as believers when sharing our faith and how to get past them.
Canada Day 2023
July 2nd, 2023
In this message, Pastor Braden gives a word about Canada Day. On the one hand, we ought to be incredibly thankful for the country we live in. On the other hand, the culture is moving further from God, which can be very frustrating. In order to navigate the terrain of being a Canadian and a Christian, we have to embody the principle of being in the world, not of the world.
Do Your Job!
June 18th, 2023
In this message, Sean Bosse brings a word about the importance of all believers being bold and courageous, and doing the work God has given us to do!
A Word of Encouragement
May 21st, 2023
In this message, Pastor Braden shares a quick word of encouragement from Romans 5.
The Heart of Our Church
April 23rd, 2023
In this message, Pastor Braden shares the heart and vision of our church. This is the work that God is doing in our church and the people he is shaping us to be!
New Year's Day 2023
January 1st, 2023
In this message, Pastor Braden shares some of the exciting things that happened in our church in 2022, reminds us of the vision God has given to us, and shares about plans for 2023. Be encouraged as you listen in!
Are We There Yet?
December 18th, 2022
In this message, Jim Eadle brings a word from Matthew 2:1-12, which recounts the journey of the wise men.
Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing
December 11th, 2022
In this message, Richard Jones brings us a refreshing word about keeping the main things the main things in the faith - remembering to follow Jesus and be engaged in the mission he has given us.
Raising Children in the Faith
December 4th, 2022
In this message, Kevin Weare shares a word about raising children according to the faith we have in Jesus Christ.
Cast Your Anxiety
September 18th, 2022
In this message, Kevin Weare shares an encouraging word about anxiety - and what God invites us to do with it!
Something From Nothing
June 26th, 2022
In this message, Geoff Clarke preaches through parts of Genesis 12-16. This text describes the (very) dysfunctional family of Abram, and how God makes them into a great nation. God can work wonders in your life as well!.
Summertime - Distractions & Priorities
June 19th, 2022
In this message, Sean Bosse kicks off the summer season with a word about distractions that can accompany this time of year, as well as some things for us to focus to stay sharp as believers.
Easter Sunday 2022
In this message from Easter Sunday 2022, Jim Eadle shares an encouraging word about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what that means for us.
Looking Back at 2021 and Forward to 2022
In this message that kicks off 2022, Pastor Braden hits on some of the things God did in and through our church in 2021, and shares some of the things God is looking for us to take hold of in 2022. We want you to be a part of what God is doing in and through our church, so reach out and connect to find out how you can be!
Christmas: Beholding Who We Already Know - Dec 19/21
In this message from Christmas 2021, Pastor Braden teaches from Isaiah 9. This is a familiar Christmas scripture, but it is imperative that we do not take this word for granted. Be encouraged in the timeless truth of this scripture!
Grand Opening Weekend - September 26, 2021
In this message from our 125th anniversary and Grand Opening weekend, Pastor Braden takes us back to the heart of who we are as a church, who God wants us to be as his people, and what God wants us to do as his church.
A Word for Workers - Labour Day 2021
In this message from Labour Day 2021, Pastor Braden explains a deeper rationale for working than what we might often think of. What does God have to say about your work?
Our Vision (July 2021)
Here, Pastor Braden outlines our church's vision - that we would be a people who follow Jesus, love others and pursue growth. Listen in and get caught up on what God is doing in our church!
Good Friday 2021
In this message, Pastor Braden speaks on Good Friday, which is simultaneously one of the worst and best days in the history of the world. On this day, we remember Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross for our sins.
Resurrection Sunday 2021
In this message, Geoff Clarke brings a word on Resurrection Sunday - the day when we commemorate Jesus' comeback when he rose from the grave.
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