Watch This First!
To get a quick bit of introduction and context on the Gospel of John.
John #1 - You Need to Know Jesus!
January 23rd, 2022 John 1:1-18
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches through an incredible section of scripture, where we not only set the tone for the rest of the book of John, but also get a glimpse at the glory of Jesus Christ, the most significant person in world history!
John #2 - There's Got to Be More
January 30th, 2022 John 1:19-34
Seen in this text is a deep, universal human need. All people experience it at different times and to varying degrees, but deep down, the need - and its solution - are the same.
John #3 - Jesus is Calling
February 6th, 2022 John 1:35-51
In this message, we get a glimpse at the heart of Jesus: he is calling each and every one of us, regardless of background, past performance, struggles, or circumstances. He has a life for you and he wants you to live it!
John #4 - Jesus Does Miracles
February 13th, 2022 John 2:1-12
In this message, you will hear the account of Jesus turning water into wine. There is much more to this than meets the eye at first, and God has something to say to us in it!
John #5 - Keep This Temple Clean
February 20th, 2022 John 2:13-25
In this message, Geoff Clarke preaches through the encounter of Jesus clearing out the temple. This means something for our lives today - that we need to be cleansed, and Jesus is our cleanser.
John #6 - God So Loved & Other Truths
February 27th, 2022 John 3:1-21
In this message, Sean Bosse preaches from one of the most famous texts in the whole Bible. It is also one of the most important texts - showing that God loves us so much that he sent Jesus his Son to die for our sins.
John #7 - The Heart of the Matter
March 6th, 2022 John 3:22-36
Jesus has a life for every single one of us - it's a full, purposeful, joyful, meaningful life that is marked by walking in relationship with him.
In this message, we see that our experience of this life is tied to the condition of our heart before God.
John #8 - You Are Invited!
March 13th, 2022 John 4:1-30
This message is about a famous encounter that Jesus had with a woman at a well. Seen in great measure here is the fact that Jesus is a God of grace - his grace is an invitation for us to draw closer to him, and so discover what it means to truly live.
John #9 - We Believed Because You Told Us
March 20th, 2022 John 4:31-42
In this message, Geoff Clarke teaches through the aftermath of Jesus' encounter with the woman at the well (John 4:1-30). Here, we see that many people believed in Jesus because of this woman's testimony about him. How are we doing sharing our testimony of what Jesus has done for us?
John #10 - God is With Us
March 27th, 2022 John 4:43-54
In this message, Sean Bosse brings the Word about Jesus healing an official's son, but as you'll hear, it paints a much bigger picture even than that!
John #11 - The Source of Your Healing & Hope
April 3rd, 2022 John 5:1-18
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches through the section of scripture where Jesus heals a paralyzed man. In this text, we see two universal human desires: healing and hope. More importantly, we see where we can truly find both of these things!
John #12 - Can I Get A Witness?
April 10th, 2022 John 5:19-47
This section of scripture contains Jesus making a case about why we should acknowledge him as Lord and God, referencing six witnesses along the way. This gives us reason to pause and consider: "am I regarding Jesus as I should in my life?"
John #13 - Jesus Feeds the 5000
April 24th, 2022 John 6:1-15
Within this text lies one of the most widely-known miracles that Jesus ever performed - the feeding of the 5000. This text contains more than just a record of a miracle from 2000 years ago; it contains a word from God for us today.
John #14 - Jesus Walks On Water
May 1st, 2022 John 6:16-21
You have probably heard the story about Jesus walking on water! As we explore in this message, though, there is more to it than it seems. God has an encouraging word in this for you - he is great AND good, even in your storms!
John #15 - "I Am the Bread of Life"
May 8th, 2022 John 6:22-59
Sean Bosse leads us through a section of scripture containing one of Jesus' famous "I am" statements: "I am the bread of life". This is more than just religious sentiment; Jesus is making a huge claim here. Listen now to hear about the food our souls need if we're going to truly live.
John #16 - The Words of Eternal Life
May 15th, 2022 John 6:6-71
Here, Geoff Clarke leads us through a very important and interesting section of scripture, where many people deserted Jesus because they were offended at his teaching. We need to see ourselves in this: how will we respond to the person and work of Jesus in our lives?
John #17 - Check Your Foundation
May 22nd, 2022 John 7:1-24
God has a life for you! It's a good, full life that involves many things, but it is ultimately built on a particular foundation - us having a personal relationship with Jesus. In this message are six signs that you might not be building on the right foundation.
John #18 - Do You Know Him?
May 29th, 2022 John 7:25-36
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 7:25-36. This text reminds us that the foundation of the life God has created us to live is a personal relationship with Jesus. This begs the critical question: do you know him yourself?
John #19 - Rivers of Living Water
June 5th, 2022 John 7:37-52
Life leaves us wanting and parched. There are all sorts of places we turn to in an attempt to be satisfied - more money, new relationships, status, material things... but if we're being honest, none of them are quite good enough.
Jesus invites us to a different sort of solution. When we give ourselves to him, we can experience the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
John #20 - Grace Like No Other
June 12th, 2022 John 7:53-8:11
This message has two parts:
1) Explaining the nature of this text and if it can be studied as a reliable part of scripture
2) Exploring the awesome reality of Jesus' grace. God has a grace for you that is beyond what you might think is possible!
This grace is an absolute necessity for us - have you experienced it?
John #21 - Jesus is the Light of the World
September 25th, 2022 John 8:12-30
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 8:12-30. In this section of scripture, Jesus makes an outrageously large claim about himself - that he is "the light of the world". This is a statement we must respond to - especially since its truth is life-changing!
John #22 - The Truth Will Set You Free
October 2nd, 2022 John 8:31-59
In the wake of Jesus' large claim that he is the light of the world (John 8:12), this message explores John 8:31-59. In this text, Jesus makes yet another large claim about himself - that if we abide in him, we will know the truth, and the truth will set us free.
John #23 - Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
October 9th, 2022 John 9:1-41
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches through all of John 9. This is a remarkable account of Jesus performing a great miracle, as well as how several different people responded to it.
There is much in here for our lives today!
John #24 - Following the Leader
October 23rd, 2022 John 10:1-21
In this message, Sean Bosse preaches from John 10:1-21. In this section of scripture, we compare and contrast godly and ungodly leaders and the effects of following them.
John #25 - Jesus is God (And Why That Matters)
October 30th, 2022 John 10:22-42
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches through John 10:22-42. This text has one main, simple, profound point: Jesus is God. Here, we talk about how that claim is made and supported, as well as why that matters greatly to our lives.
John #26 - I Am the Resurrection and the Life
November 6th, 2022 John 11:1-44
This message covers a miraculous event recorded in John chapter 11. In this text, Jesus raises his friend Lazarus from the dead.
There is a LOT for us in this text, as Pastor Braden teaches on Jesus' divinity and humanity, how God's ways are higher than our ways, how Jesus wants to meet us in our grief, and what the Bible actually says about death and the afterlife.
John #27 - Jesus and Three Kinds of People
November 13th, 2022 John 11:45-12:11
This message covers John 11:45-12:11. Seen here are three kinds of people as they pertain to Jesus: people who are against him, people who use him, and people who worship him.
John #28 - Hot Pursuit
November 20th, 2022 John 12:12-26
This message from John 12:12-26 highlights a particular heart we ought to have - a heart of pursuit for God. Here, Pastor Braden shows six things from these verses that help us get a jumpstart in our pursuit.
John #29 - Don't You Forget!
November 27th, 2022 John 12:27-50
This message covers John 12:27-50, which represents Jesus' 'parting words' at the end of his public ministry. From here, he will leave the public eye until his death on the cross.
Jesus' words here are incredibly important for our lives today - listen in for a list of things he wants us to remember as we go through our daily lives!
John #30 - How to Make a Fresh Start
January 8th, 2023 John 13:1-17
In this message, Pastor Braden preaches from John 13:1-17. This text is about Jesus washing his disciples' feet, but God has a specific word for us in it - how to make a fresh start (the right way)!
John #31 - Satan, Jesus and Us
January 15th, 2023 John 13:18-30
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 13:18-30, where we take a closer look at the person and work of Satan. It is incredibly relevant that we understand our enemy and how he operates. As we also hear in this message, we don't have to fear Satan, as the person and work of Jesus is far greater!
John #32 - A Simple Command: Love One Another
January 22nd, 2023 John 13:18-30
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 13:31-38. Within this short section of scripture, there is a profoundly simple and powerful commandment issued by Jesus - that believers make it their business to love one another. Listen in and be encouraged as we unpack what that really means and looks like in action!
John #33 - Guarding Your Heart From Being Troubled
January 29th, 2023 John 14:1-14
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 14:1-14. Jesus does not want our hearts to be troubled - what does this mean? Here, we see five ways we can guard our hearts against being troubled, in accordance with the will of God.
John #34 - Working Toward the Ultimate Goal
February 5th, 2023 John 14:15-31
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 14:15-31. In this text, we see that there is a goal we are supposed to be pursuing in our faith - getting as close to Jesus as possible. We also see some ways we can be pursuing this goal, as well as ways we can tell if it's "working" in us.
John #35 - Bearing Good Fruit
February 12th, 2023 John 15:1-11
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 15:1-11. It is a very simple text - God desires for us to bear good, godly fruit in our lives, and we are told here exactly how that happens!
John #36 - The Test (Reviewing and Taking It)
February 19th, 2023 John 15:12-16:4
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 15:12-16:4. In this text, we review several concepts we have seen in the last few chapters of John, and also talk about the test that we face in the world as believers.
John #37 - The Role of the Holy Spirit
February 26th, 2023 John 16:4-15
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 16:4-15, where we not only ground ourselves in some foundational points of theology, but also receive a critical reminder of our need for the Holy Spirit. Christians and non-Christians both need the Holy Spirit - because in all things, He points us to Jesus.
John #38 - I Have Overcome the World
March 5th, 2023 John 16:16-33
In this message, Kevin Weare preaches from John 16:16-33. This text contains a wonderful promise from scripture - that even though we will face trouble in the world, we can take heart, because Jesus our King has overcome the world!
John #39 - The High Priestly Prayer
March 12th, 2023 John 17:1-26
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 17:1-26. This section of scripture is aptly referred to as Jesus' High Priestly Prayer; in it, Jesus prayed specific things for us, that he wants to see in our lives.
John #40 - Easter (Part 1)
March 19th, 2023 John 18:1-27
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 18:1-27. This is the beginning of the Easter narrative in John's Gospel, where we recount the journey Jesus made to the cross, where he suffered and died in our place for our sin.
John #41 - Easter (Part 2)
March 26th, 2023 John 18:28-40
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 18:28-40 - a continuation of the Easter narrative, which is the greatest, most impactful truth in this world. Here, we explore Jesus standing before Pontius Pilate - and, of course, we take several sidebars along the way!
John #42 - Easter (Part 3)
April 2nd, 2023 John 19:1-16
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 19:1-16. This section of scripture contains Jesus' continued mistreatment en route to his crucifixion.
John #43 - Easter (Part 4)
April 2nd, 2023 John 19:16-42
In this message, Richard Jones preaches from John 19. This is the account of Jesus suffering and dying on the cross to pay for our sin.
John #44 - Easter (Part 5)
April 9th, 2023 John 20:1-31
In this message, Pastor Braden teaches from John 20. This section of scripture is all about Jesus' RESURRECTION from the grave - the greatest triumph in world history! The truth of Jesus' resurrection is incredibly relevant for our lives today, so listen in!
John #45 - Continuing Well
April 16th, 2023 John 21:1-25
In this final message in our series in the Gospel of John, Pastor Braden teaches through John 21. This word is all about continuing well - God does not call us to just make a start with him, but to stay with him all throughout our lives.